Author of 24 books and numerous chapters, articles, peer-reviewed papers, and keynotes and the subject of a book by R.M. Fisher entitled Fearless Engagement of Four Arrows: A True Story of an Indigenous Based Social Transformer. Four Arrows ( Wahinkpe Topa) is internationally known for his work in cognitive anthropology ( worldview studies) , education, critical theory, and wellness.
He is now core faculty at Antioch University’s online Ed.D. in Educational and Professional Practice. He is proud to be part of the educational team maintaining the progressive legacy of Antioch’s original founder, Horace Mann.
Four Arrows and Darcia Narvaez are nominated for the 2024 Grawemeyer Award in Psychology . This pertains to their work in their new book Restoring The Kinship Worldview
In 2018, The Chicago Wisdom Project, selected Four Arrows's book, Teaching Truly A Curriculum to Indigenize Mainstream Education, as one of the top twenty education books of all time along side such distinguished authors as Neil Postman, Paulo Freire, John Dewey and others.
Four Arrows's work provides a path to the future, a path of peace, with signposts from Indigenous world views that recognize that we are interconnected and are all members of one Earth family. Our highest duty, our Dharma , is living in harmony with all our relations." -Vandana Shiva ,
Physicist, recipient of the Alternative Nobel Peace Prize, the Right Livelihood Award, author of over 20 books,
"Outstanding scholarship...giant first steps toward the goal in the truthful and constructive understanding of Indigenous Worldview."- Daniel R. Wildcat
Professor of American Indian Studies, Haskell Indian Nations University
Make a real difference with your dissertation!
Counter-hegemonic Dissertion Assistance
Personal Guidance for writing creative, readable, meaningful “alternative” dissertations and getting them through committee.
Sample Recent Articles with links.......updating monthly
We've launched a study and survey in partnership with Veterans For Peace with a grant for $3500 from Fielding University. Four Arrows will be opening the VFP convention on Friday and officially launch the WLP there. Here is the press release:
Wahinkpe Topa (Four Arrows) “Restoring Sanity and Remembering Spirit in Psychology: Reclaiming Our Pre-Colonial Worldview” in Review of General Psychology. (First published online in January, with printed version in May).
Four Arrows (Sept 2024). “Far From Baseless: A Critical of a Recent Article in the Journal Nature”. In Proven Sustainable.
Four Arrows (July 30, 2024) “Taking a Stand: Strengthening Our University’s Commitment to Social and Ecological Justice” in Common Threads. Antioch University.
Four Arrows (in press). “Critical Education and Worldview Reflection: The Missing Partnership” Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education. (Submitted/accepted August, 2024) -
Join our global research project for restoring our pre-colonial worldview project at
See partner project with Veterans for Peace at:
3-Part Interview with Heartfulness:
On Gaza:
78th General Assembly United Nations Sustainability Summit Presentation Recap at
3- Minute Indigenous Worldview Video Used to Close UNESCO Sustainability Conference:
A Chicago Wisdom Projects Book Recommends Teaching Truly: A Curriculum to Indigenize Mainstream Education as one of 20 books that include ones from Paulo Freire, John Dewey, Neil Postman, et al.
College Students Present an Overview of Teaching Truly:
UC Berkeley’s Science Center for the Greater Good selects Restoring the Kinship Worldview as one of the “most thought-provoking, inspiring and practice science books of 2022.
Thom Hartmann reads from a chapter in Point of Departure:
Article on Decolonizing Dissertations:
The Review of General Psychology,
Worldview Chart Access
-"Cylical Return: Indigenous Worldview an interview of Four Arrows by Luke Barnesmore, Executive Director of the Center for Critical Interdisciplinary Studies
Other Online Presentations (14 pages):
Four Arrows (in press) “Greening the Curriculum for Sustainable Development” In The Encyclopedia of
Sustainability in Higher Education, (Ed.) Walter Leal Filho. New York: Springer Publishing.
Four Arrows (in press) “Curriculum Innovation for Sustainability” in The Encyclopedia of Sustainability
in Higher Education (Ed.) Walter Leal Filho. New York: Springer
Critical Pedagogy. San Francisco: Sage Publications
Four Arrows (in press) “Going Deeper: Using Indigenous Worldview to Actualize Holistic Education” in
(Eds) Jack Miller et al. International Handbook on Holistic Education. New York: Routledge
Four Arrows in press) “Peace with oneself and all of creation.” Spirit of Humanity Forum.
Four Arrows (2017) “It’s Not Natural!” in LGBT Hate: No Pulse on Our Campus. Ed (Virginia Stead).
New York: Peter Lang...
Four Arrows and Narvaez, D. (Oct,
Book Chapters
More recent
Four Arrows and Narvaez, D. (Oct, 2015) “Reclaiming our Indigenous worldview: A more authentic baseline for Social/ecological justice work in education” in McCrary, N.E. and Ross, E. Wayne (eds) Working for social justice inside and outside the classroom: A community of students, teachers, researchers and activists. New York/Oxford: Peter Lang
Four Arrows (Final Draft Editing Process for invited chapter). “Worldview reflection in teacher education” in Harkins,M.J. Barchuk, S. & Collister, R. (eds.) International conversations of teacher educators: Collaborations in Education. Thousand Oaks; Sage Peer Reviewed E Book.
Four Arrows (first draft for invited chapter) “Worldview reflection as a missing link in holistic education” in Binder, M. Crowell, S. Miller, J., Nigh, K. & Novak, B. (Eds.) International handbook in holistic education. New York: Routledge
Four Arrows (aka Don Jacobs). (2015) “Ending Jim Crow with Worldview Studies: An Indigenous Perspective.{ In V. Stead (Series Ed.), Equity in higher education theory, policy, and praxis: Vol. 6 RIP Jim Crow: Fighting Racism through Higher Education Policy, Curriculum, and Cultural Interventions. New York, NY: Peter Lang
Four Arrows & Katz, S. R. (2015). Partnerships, Worldviews and “Primal Vibration” Lesson Plans. In B. L. Bartlet, D., Bennett, A. Power & N. Sunderland (Eds). Arts-Based Service Learning with First Peoples - Towards Respectful and Mutually Beneficial Educational Practices. New York: Springer.
Four Arrows (2015). “Hegemonic barriers to the American EdD” in Stead, V. (Vol.Ed.) The education doctorate (Ed.D.): Issues of access, diversity, social justice and community leadership. In V. Stead (Series Ed) Higher education theory, policy, and praxis, Vol.5. New York: Peter Lang
Four Arrows (2014) “Native studies, praxis and the public good” in Social studies Curriculum: Purposes, problems and possibilities. E.Way Ross (Ed). New York: SUNY
Four Arrows (2014). The heart of Everything that Isn’t. The Untold Story of Anti-Indianism in Drury and Clavin’s Book on Red Cloud. Published in The Springer, September 21, 2014.
Four Arrows (2014, Sept) “”False Doctrine:” The Influence of Christianity on the Failure of Indigenous Political Will” in Critical Education Vol.5, No. 13
Four Arrows, (2014) “Resistance at the Roots: Indigenizing Mainstream Education
To End Neoliberal Violence in (Eds) Abendroth, Mark and Porfilio, Brad, School Against Neoliberal Rule: Educational Fronts for Local and Global Justice: A Reader. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing
Four Arrows (2014) “Seven Ways Indigenous Spiritual Perspectives Can Improve Schooling for Survival, Peace, Health and Happiness” (2014) in Redefining Religious Education, Edited by Scherto Gill, New York: Palgrave McMillan
Four Arrows (2013) “Red Road Lost: A Story Based on True Events” in From Education to Incarceration, edited by Anthony J. Nocella II, Priya Parmar and David Stoval. New York: Routledge
Four Arrows (2011) “An Indigenous Perspective” in Ecopedagogy: Educating for Sustainability in Schools and Society (Positions: Education, Politics, and Culture) New York: Routledge
Four Arrows (2011)“The CAT-FAWN Connection” in Transformative Eco-Education for Human and Planetary Survival, edited by Oxford, R. and Lin, J. in Greening the Academy: Ecopedagogy through the Liberal Arts (editors: Fassbinder, Nocella and Kahn)
Four Arrows (2011).“Indigenous Spirituality as a Source for Peaceful Relations”(2010) In Brantmeier, Lin and Miller, Spirituality, Religions and Peace Education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing
Four Arrows. (2011). “Critical Neurophilosophy, Indigenous Wisdom and the CAT-FAWN Connection.” In Jing Lin and Rebecca Oxford (eds). Transformative Eco-Education for Human Survival. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing
Four Arrows (Feb 2008) “Reading, Writing and Counter-Recruiting” in At Issue: Military Recruiters, (AIMR) Farmington Hills, Mich: Gale Publishing.
Four Arrows (2009) “The Character Education Controversy”” in Battleground Schools: An Encyclopedia of Conflict and Controversy, Sandra Mathison & E. Wayne Ross (eds), Westport, CT: Greenwood/Praeger
Four Arrows (2005) “Plight of the Raramuri” in Echoes from the Poisoned Well: Global
Memories of Environmental Injustice, Ed. by Rosier, P.C. Landham: Roman and Littlefield
Four Arrows (2006) Four Arrows (2006) “War Games: Bizarre Coincidence or Something Else” in 9/11 and Political Economy. Amsterdam: Elseviere Science..
Four Arrows (2006) “Character Education as a Neo-Liberal Undertaking” in Knowledge and Power in the Global Economy, 2nd Edition, David Gabbard Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Four Arrows-(2007) “Indigenous Worldviews and Values,” “The Myth of the Nobel Savage,” and “Social Control and American Indians”. In The Encyclopedia of American Indian History. Ed. Steve Danforth and Bruce Johansen. Los Angeles: ABC-CIO.
Four Arrows-Jacobs, D. (2004) “Character Education: Coming Full Circle,” in Defending Public Schools-The Curriculum, ed by E.Wayne Ross, Praeger/Greenwood Publishers.
Four Arrows-Jacobs, D. (2004) “Way of the Brave” in Educating for Humanity, Heritage Institute, Seattle (other authors include Parker Palmer, Nel Noddings, Herb Kohl, Debbie Meier, Fritzoff Capra, Thomas Berry, Rachael Kessler and Chip Wood.)
Jacobs, D. (2003) “Forced Hegemony: Warnings and Solutions from Indian Country,” In Gabbard, D. (Ed.) Education as Enforcement: The Militarization and Corporatization of Schooling,. New York: RoutledgeFalmer, 2003 (Other authors include Noam Chomsky, Michael Apple, Henry Giroux, etc.
Jacobs, D (2002), “Virtue Based Curriculum: The Process,” in Tom Allen’s Creating Sacred Places, National Indian School Board Association, Washington, D.C.
Jacobs, D. (1999) Shamanic Initiation. In Millman, D. and Childers, D. Divine Interventions: True Stories of Mystery and Miracles That Change Lives. Emmaus, Penn.: Daybreak Books.
Jacobs, D. (2005) A Reservation Perspective in Militarism In Education, published by Center for Critical Pedagogy, Tel Aviv
Journal Articles (representativeFour Arrows (June 2017) “Deepening the Foundation of CPED’s Framework” in Impacting Education:
Journal on Transforming Professional Practice. (Eds) Schreiber, J and Perry, J.
Four Arrows (2016) “The CAT-FAWN connection: Using metacognition and Indigenous worldview for more effective character education and human survival” in forthcoming peer-reviewed issue of Journal of moral education
Four Arrows. 2016. Invited paper for Carnegie CPED Journal.
Four Arrows. 2016. Invited paper and presentation for Fetzer Institute
Four Arrows, Sept 28, 2013, “Does Christianity Continue to Stifle Indigenous Political Will” published in the peer reviewed Journal of Critical Education, UBC in (Date)
Four Arrows (June, 2013) “Rare Indigenous Victory Fosters Unprecedented Possibilities.” Truthout
Four Arrows and Jack Miller (Spring, 2012) “To Name the World: A Dialogue about Holistic and Indigenous Education in Encounter: Education for Meaning and Social Justice. Volume 25, Number 3
Four Arrows (May, 2012) “The Problem and Other Poetry” in Peace Studies, Vol. 5, Issue 2
Four Arrows and Rafiq (Ced, 2011) “Classroom Silence on 9/11: A Failure of Education” in Journal of Critical Inquiry (JCI), Vol 9 (2), NUML
Four Arrows (Summer 2011) “The Missing Linking: Neuroscience and Indigenous Wisdom” Institute of Noetic Science Post
Four Arrows (2011) “Wolokokiapi as a Solution to Neo-Liberal and Neo-Conservative Ideology. In Peace Studies Journal, ed. By David Gabbard. Syracuse.
Four Arrows (March 15, 2010): “Anthropocentrism’s Antidote: Reclaiming Our Orientation to the Non-Human Teacher.” In Critical Education, Edited by E. Wayne Ross et al. University of British Columbia
Four Arrows (Fall, 2006) “Deceptions of the Heart: Character Education as Fear of Nature in The Academic Journal of Public Resistance
Four Arrows and Judy Witt. (Spring, 2006)“Collaborative Action Learning and Leadership: A Feminist/Indigenous Model for Higher Education” Journal of Academic Leadership, Vol.3, Issue 2.
Four Arrows and Judy Witt. (Summer, 2006) “An Indigenous Perspective on Women’s Leadership.” Advancing Women In Leadership Journal of Academic Leadership, Vol 21
Four Arrows (Spring, 2005) “Teaching Dangerously” in The Academic Journal of Public Resistance.
Four Arrows. (April, 2005) “Secret Clause in NCLB is a Killer.” High Country News, Arizona Sun and Syndicated 80 newspapers nationally, nominated for Pulitzer Prize in Critical Commentary Category.
Four Arrows. (Spring, 2005) “The Indigenous Factor: Successful Business and a Healthier World. Winds of Change.
Four Arrows (Spring, 2005) “An Indigneous Perspective on Character Education”. Woodbury Reports
Four Arrows, (Fall 2004), “The Great Brain Robbery,” in Paths of Learning, Issue 20
Four Arrows, (Winter 2004)“Hand Raising,” in Paths of Learning, Issue 19
Four Arrows” (January 2004) “Healing American Indian and Alaska native Communities: How Schools Can Help” in ERIC/CRESS (AEL)
Four Arrows-Jacobs, Don Trent (Winter 2003), “Hard Knocks or Hope: The Parent’s Choice” in Paths of Learning, Issue No. 18.
White, C., Martin, J., Hays, P., Senese, G., Jacobs, D.T., Foley, J.A., Nuvayouma, D., & Riley-Taylor, E. (2003). “Confronting Tensions in Collaborative Postsecondary Indigenous Education Programs. American Indian & Alaska Native Educational Research,” ERIC Clearinghouse on Rural Education and Small Schools (ERIC/CRESS). U.S. Department of Education Web site (
Jacobs, D. (2003) “Way of the Brave” in ORBIT-OISE/UT’s Magazine for Schools, Character Education Theme Issue, Canada, Vol. 33, No.2
Four Arrows-Jacobs, D.(Summer, 2003) “Challenging Ourselves First,” In Paths of Learning, Issue No. 17
Four Arrows-Jacobs, D.(Spring 2003), “Teaching From the Dream,” In Paths of Learning, Issue No.16
Jacobs, D. (Winter, 2003) “The Seventh What?” In Paths of Learning, Issue 15
Jacobs, D. (Autumn, 2002) “Coming Out of Trance,” In Paths of Learning, Issue No.14.
Jacobs, D. (June, 2002) “Teacher-Parent Partnerships: Making Community Education Real for Indigenous Families” in Issues in Indigenous Bilingual Education.
Jacobs, D. (Summer, 2002) “Stepping Stones and World Views” in Paths of Learning, Issue 13.
Reyhner, J. & Jacobs D. Preparing Teachers of American Indian and Alaska Native Students. (Summer, 2002), Action In Teacher Education, Vol. XXIV, No.2.
Jacobs, D. (, Spring, 2002) Spirituality in Education: A Matter of Significance for American Indian Cultures. In Paths of Learning, Issue 9.
Jacobs, D. & Reyhner, J. (Jan, 2002) Preparing Teachers to Support American Indian and Alaskan Native Student Success (ERIC Digest) Charleston, WV: ERIC Clearinghouse for Rural Education and Small Schools.
Jacobs, D. (Spring 2001) “On Being Indian” in Red Ink. Journal of the American Indian Studies Program, University of Arizona.
Jacobs, D. (2001) The Red Road: The Indigenous Worldview as a Prerequisite for Effective Character Education. Paths of Learning.
Jacobs, D. (2001) The Indigenous Worldview as a Prerequisite for Effective Civic Learning in Higher Education. Journal of College and Character, Vol. 2.
Jacobs, D. (1996) Mining the Gold. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Problems. Vol. 4, Issue 4.
Jacobs, D. (1996) The Red Flags of Persuasion. ETC.: A Review of General Semantics, Vol. 52, No. 2.
Jacobs, D. (1994) Focus on the Positive: The Language of Treatment for Youth Who Have Sexually Offended. Caring (Journal of the National Association of Services for Children), Vol. X, No 2.
Jacobs, D. (1994) Lost Youth or Criminals: The Contrasting Views of Brendtro and Samenow. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Problems.
Jacobs, D. (1989) Healing Words. Journal of Wilderness First Aid.
Jacobs, D. (1989) Healing Words. American Survival Guide.
Jacobs, D. (1988) Hypnosis for Medical Emergencies in the Wilderness. Response. Journal of the National Association for Search and Rescue. Vol. 7, #4.
Jacobs, D. (1987) Altered States. Emergency. The Journal of the Emergency Medical Services.
Jacobs, D. (1987) Alarm Stress. Fire Command.
Jacobs, D. (1987) Vital Aid for Emergencies. California Fireman.
Jacobs, D. (1984) Emergency Hypnosis. Emergency Magazine.
Jacobs, D. (1982) Happy Exercise: An Effective Approach to Health Education for Children. Journal of Humanistic Education and Development.
Jacobs D. (1980) Opening Doors to Fitness. The Journal of Physical Education.